Candidate Labels
We know how important it is to organize and segment your candidates effectively. To help you out, we’re introducing a new feature: labels for candidates. Whether it's by skill, experience, or any other criteria that matter to you, you can now leave customized labels on candidates.
You can manage these labels under Settings → Careers → Labels.
Rejection Reasons for Candidates
It's crucial to remember why a candidate wasn't the right fit for your team. Now, you can record specific reasons when rejecting candidates. It brings clarity between your team members during a selection and helps out when someone applies to a different job listing in the future.
You can manage the rejection reasons for your company under Settings → Careers → Rejection Reasons. In addition, you can choose whether leaving a reason is mandatory when rejecting a candidate.
Tailored Email Notifications
You now have the power to specify which email notifications you want to receive, so you only receive updates that matter to you. Whether it's about new job listings, comments, or daily and weekly summaries, you're in control!
Improvements & Fixes
- ✨ When searching for anything, we’ve made our search more fuzzy, meaning that you don’t have to worry about typos or if you’re unsure on the exact name of that candidate you were looking for!
- ⚡ An improved experience when you hit a page you don’t have access to. We made it clearer so you know when to ask your colleagues for access to something you need.
- ⚡ We’re continually working on improving the OpenGraph images when you share your listings.
- 🐞 Fixed some small layout issues when looking at deleted job applications.
- 🐞 Made some small tweaks and bug fixes to mentioning people in comments.